Strategy and Organization

Talent Management Strategy

Securing a pool of talented people with diverse skills and a corporate culture where they can freely show them is an important element for strengthening corporate competitiveness. Coway recognizes that its employees are the fundamental driving force behind the company’s growth. This is why Coway operates a transparent employment process to select talented people that personify Coway’s core values. Coway allocates employees to different positions by considering their qualifications and choices early on from the hiring process and helps them adapt through corporate culture programs. In addition, training and welfare programs in connection with employees’ life cycles help them continuously develop their capability and find a balance between life and work. We also strive to promote employee satisfaction by creating a human-centered corporate culture of communication and participation, as well as operating the Evaluation Committee for fair compensation.

공정성에 기반한 우수인재 채용, 일과 삶의 균형 추구, '착한성장'을 목표로한 인재육성 프로그램 제공