About This Report

Reporting Overview

Reporting Features

The 12th 'Coway 2016 Sustainability Report’ for this year is the Second report in the online form. While maintaining the frames of existing reports, it provides in-depth report of key issues derived by reflecting the industry mega trends and stakeholders’ opinions through TRUST REPORT. In addition, we improve the accessibility and usability of information by the stakeholders, utilizing the features of the online reporting such as relevant site links, the latest sustainability news posting etc.

Reporting Scope

Focusing on the head office in Seoul, research institutes and production plants/Including overseas operations for a portion of the data.

Reporting Period

Jan. 1, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2016 To ensure there is enough data to provide comparable referencing, three years’ worth (in some case five years’ worth) of data was disclosed. In the case of quantitative activities related to core issues, activities conducted until 2017 were included.

Reporting Standards
  • Core option of the GRI G4 Guidelines IIRC’s Integrated Reporting Framework

Reporting Assurance

This report received third party assurance for the audits of financial information through an independent audit corporation, while the non-financial information received third party assurance from Korea Management Registration(KMR).