Support for Global Initiatives

  • UNGC(United Nations Global Compact) 로고
    Joined the UNGC(United Nations Global Compact)

    We joined the UN Global Compact(UNGC) in June 2006 to abide by the 10 principles in the areas ofhuman rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption and to fulfill our role as a corporate citizen - a citizen who not only pursues its own growth, but also does its part in meeting and going beyond its social responsibility. This online sustainability report represents our commitment to becoming what we aspire to be.

  • CDP(Carbon Disclosure Project) 로고
    Selected as the Carbon Management Sector Honors

    Coway was selected as the Carbon Management Sector Honors by the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Korea for eight consecutive years in recognition of its excellence in response to climate change.

  • 유엔기후변화협약 당사국총회(COP21) 로고
    Supports the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at the COP21

    Climate change is one of the major challenges of our time. Coway wants to be a positive player in climate change, ensuring climate is kept on safe levels around the world for communities and environment. This demands important investments and collaborations. Coway is the only Korean company which declared its support for the ‘UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’ agreed by 195 countries at the COP21 held in Paris in December 2015. We've been participating in the corporate voluntary carbon reduction plan scheme.

  • DJSI(Dow Jones Sustainability Index) 로고
    Listed as the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices(DJSI) World

    Coway has been consistently named in DJSI Asia-Pacific since 2013 and has been newly added to the DJSI World index in 2016. In particular, Coway was highly acclaimed for responsible activities such as environmental policies and systems, occupational safety & health activities, and community contributions.

  • UNGC(United Nations Global Compact) 로고
    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Implementation Declaration

    Following the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are replacing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), we will endeavor to develop and implement solutions to attain the SDGs*, exploring new opportunities for sustainable growth.

    • SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are a U.N. global initiative to be implemented from 2016 to 2030. It consists of 17 goals, pertaining to climate change, economic growth, and gender equality, and 169 targets.
SDGs 목표 검토 및 우선 대응 순위 선정

SDGs Response: Priorities and Plans

지속가능 발전목표
Goal 3.

Ensure good health and well-being for all at all ages Coway’s business itself cares for healthier lives of consumers

  • Conduct “Water Comma Campaign” to help form water-drinking habits
  • Improve water-drinking and sleeping habits using big data
  • Conduct “Good Water Purifier Campaign” to provide the disadvantaged with clean water

지속가능 발전목표
Goal 5.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women

  • Implement gender equality policies
  • Build capacity of female employees and strengthen female leadership
  • * Support programs for women on career breaks

지속가능 발전목표
Goal 6.

Ensure clean water and sanitation for all

  • Carry out “Water Map Project”
  • Enhance water welfare for the vulnerable in areas with no water supply
  • Carry out “Happy Well Project” in Cambodia
  • Conduct waterless test in production process
  • Develop filter technology for reducing domestic water collected through water purifiers

지속가능 발전목표
Goal 12.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

  • Launch products with high energy efficiency
  • Conduct regular risk assessment on suppliers
  • Promote refurbished products and apply eco-design, etc.
  • Obtain environmental certifications

지속가능 발전목표
Goal 13.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects

  • Promote Smart Factory
  • Operate carbon partnership with suppliers (Establish energy management system)
  • Establish and implement climate change response strategy and goals

지속가능 발전목표
Goal 16.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies, provide access to justice for all, and build inclusive institutions

  • Establish supplier norms of behavior—Respond to conflict minerals
  • Establish global human rights and CSR guidelines