'Coway TRUST' Campaign
The reason why water is transparent, it is the nature's promise to give clean only
We will give you only 'clean'
The reason why water is transparent, it is the nature's promise to give clean only
We will give you only 'clean'
About Business | Business Value Chain |
Sustainability Data Disclosures | UN SDGs |
All of Coway's products and brands ultimately aim to create values that make the "environment healthier and people happier." With a view toward sustainability management throughout the entire supply chain from procurement of materials and parts to product sales, the input of economic, social, and environmental values lead to the output of social values by which customers can become happier and the environment healthier.
With the announcement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Coway will endeavor to develop and implement solutions to attain the SDGs*, exploring new opportunities for sustainable growth.