Education for Partners

Strengthening On-site Professionalism through Systematic Training

Coway provides systematic training and education programs to secure customer trust by strengthening our sales and service partners’ competence. Coway’s competence-building programs are offered to our sales and service partners, including Cody, CS Dr. and HP/GHP, to enhance their professionalism. This training is required so that they can provide customers with satisfactory on-site service and carry out sales activities.

Training for New Cody (CA Start Training)

Coway strengthens the on-site professionalism of Codys through systematic training. The orientation course for those taking on the challenge of becoming a Cody is a 19-day course composed of technology training and service training, teaching them what they must know as a Cody.

Technology Training
Basics of Inspection
Understanding the points of difference of Coway’s services
Mastering the Heart Service
Introducing products, practicing skills, team competition
Understanding IoCare and Practicing Skills
Learning strong points of products and practicing inspection methods
The technology training helps trainees learn about all of Coway’s products and master the process and methods of providing Heart Service to customers. Trainees can practice the skills learned in the course, so even those who are dealing with Coway’s products for the first time can get used to their work without difficulty.
Service Training
Understanding Cody Work
Motivation and mind education
Business Manners
Why business manners matter, order of inspection, training
Service Mindset
Neat appearance and attire, manners, posture
The service training helps trainees build basic competency in addition to learning product information. Trainees learn communication skills, such as how to respond to different customer types and questions. Basic sales training helps trainees deal with customers confidently as Codys.

Intensive Course for New Codys (0 - 3 Months)

Coway helps those who have just begun working as Codys and those in their third month of work settle into their work by offering an intensive course. Professional lecturers from 18 training institutions nationwide provide intensive, systematic training on products, standard service skills, and sales.

Field-centered Training (4 Months or more)

Field-centered training is offered on a regular basis to those who have worked as a Cody for at least 3 months and have become familiarized with their work. This regular training program prepares them for field-oriented issues, teaching information about new products and instructions on how to use smartphone applications. When additional support is required, intensive training is offered so as to enhance Codys’ work competency.

Cody Mentoring System

The Cody mentoring system offers new Codys the opportunity to pair up with a senior Cody and work as a team for two months so that they can experience on-site work and learn know-how from their seniors. By participating in this program, new Codys can greatly benefit from their seniors’ guidance in solving problems and sharing their experiences.

Coway's training program nurtures professionalism as a CODY.

송민Coway provides regular training programs for newcomer Cody to adapt to their work. Especially, new product introduction session and communication know-how program offered twice a month is very helpful. Also it is very helpful when we are actually working. The best part of working as a CODY, I feel that I become a professional through various education like this.I am proud of myself as a CODY, because of this high level of professionalism. I look forward to continuing these educational programs and expanding mutual growth culture.

Wolgok Branch`s CODY. Song-Min