Win-win for Partners

Performance Sharing Program

The performance sharing program is a compensation system for field performance, designed for the purpose of creating a “culture of field-oriented service level management.” Launched in 2015, the performance sharing program selects tasks for improving on-site service quality and pays incentives according to the degree of contribution when a task is solved, and the results of actual performance. In 2016, the scope of the program and divisions subject to the program were expanded, which resulted in the execution of four tasks, reducing KRW ~~ in quality-related costs and paying KRW ~~ to xx divisions.

Major Concepts in Performance Sharing Program

성과나눔 주요개념

Operation Direction of Performance Sharing Program
Item 2015 2016
Number of Tasks 3 tasks

Targeting Cody: 2 tasks

Targeting CS Dr.: 1 task

4 tasks

Targeting Cody: 2 tasks

Targeting CS Dr.: 2 tasks

Scope KRW 75.46 billion KRW 92.65 billion
Supported Activities

Monthly promotion activities for 2 tasks

Monthly/Quarterly promotion activities for 4 tasks

Scope of Performance Sharing

50% of the cost reduced compared to planned cost per task

50% of the cost reduced compared to planned cost at company level