Human Right Management

Our Approach

Approach to human rights management. Globally interest in human rights such as discrimination prevention and respect for diversity, and human rights regulations and guidelines are being strengthened. Many companies have adopted human rights management as a basic principle to ensure sustainability. Coway also commitment to respect human rights based on the corporate philosophy of "good faith" and implement human rights managment.

Human Rights Coverage

Coway complies with the labor, human rights and working conditions standards of all countries and regions in which we operate. Coway's human rights policy applies not only to employees but also to all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, sales and service partners, and the community.

국내 및 해외 사업장. 임직원, 지역사회, 영업파트너(코디/닥터/콜센터/직원 등), 고객, 협력회사

Human Rights Due Diligence and Assessment

Coway periodically conduct an assessment of potential human rights issues to eliminate human rights violations and minimize human rights risks.
Human Rights Due Diligence Process
STEP 01 PLAN 인권 실사 계획 수립(대상, 시기, 방법 등) / STEP 02 DO 인권 실사 이행 / STEP 03 CEHCK 결과 공유 및 개선 과제 도출 / STEP 04 ACTION 개선과제 이행 및 모니터링
Identification of vulnerable groups

Coway identifies vulnerable groups that are potentially at risk of human rights abuses and at risk. Inside the company, employees who responsible for customer complaints, CODY/CS Dr. who sells and services the products directly to the customer, and a call center staff who responds to customer call.

Mitigation actions
  • 임직원
    • Maternity care program (Childcare and maternity leave, spouse maternity leave, reduction of work hours during pregnancy, and paid check-up leave)
    • Operate Grievance channel 'communication room'
    • Running a psychological counseling program 'Happy mind'
    • Operate 'Refresh Zone' to relieve stress and fatigue
    • Operate 'Healthcare Program' which provides professional massage service and massage chair
  • 영업·서비스 파트너
    • Conduct regular meetings with sales and service partners
    • Grievance handling channels to gather opinions on human rights
    • Support for improvement of work environment and welfare program

Human Rights Disclosure

Coway publicly disclose human rights activities, achievements, and related issues in a transparent manner through in this site. In addition, through continuous communication and information disclosure, we figure out the main concerns and expectations of stakeholders regarding human rights.

Coway signed an MOU to jointly diffuse a corporate consumption culture to support emotional workers

Coway signed an MOU to jointly diffuse a corporate consumption culture to support emotional workers with Seoul City and Green Consumer Network in Korea on October in 2015. Emotion work is a requirement of a job that employees display required emotions toward customers or others with the control of their feelings. In accordance with this agreement, Coway, together with Seoul City and Green Consumer Network in Korea, will hold meetings to figure out their grievances and solutions. And then, the Company plans to take the lead in training them about customer reception techniques and product information, providing healing programs, and improving work environment. In particular, Coway determined to adopt various programs for supporting call center staff to care their mentality and relieve stress.

Major activities and achievements
  • Oct. 8, 2015 : Signed MOU with Emotional Workers to Promote Corporate Consumption Culture
  • October 29, 2015 : Announcing Company Best Practices and Plan for Emotional Workers
  • October, 2016 : Counselor Execute external lecturer education for happy work life and improve stress management through workshop
  • Dec. 2016 : Visiting Call Center of CEO CEO and Conducting a Consultation Meeting
  • Dec. 2016 : Call center construction of rest space for improvement of office environment and support for products such as massage chair